Monday 11 May 2009

True Stories

Here is my finished entry for the Cheltenham illustration awards. Had lots of fun making this, especially with the dinosaur, which could become a new favourite thing to draw - especially as 'well, I do need to draw some dinosaurs' is just the best excuse to hang out in the Natural History Museum for a day. Or two.


straight from the den said...

when i saw the small version of this i thought capon what on earth is going on here?! in a good way - intruige. but then viewing the large one it all makes sense.


the other day i took a boy drawing at the museum. he was telling me a crazy story and i thought mm. this boy has a very active, odd, imagination. then in dawned on me that he was describing a special happening on world of warcraft!

Jenny Capon said...

He He. Totally not surprised. M got very involved in armour making. Including some very nifty head wear.

straight from the den said...

this was related to 'pets'. one of which was a dribbling baby octopus that was described as 'cute'.

btw i'm enjoying the tag 'toilet paper' on this post.

straight from the den said...

oi capon you ever do this?

Jenny Capon said...

have had it sent to my email for approx the last month, but haven't quite got started... soon though think it's really good idea and a few of my class mates do it.. Have just joined this...
after hearing about it from ms. barnett, which is more specific illustration / design network and might be of interest in the den. xx

straight from the den said...
