Thursday 28 May 2009

Last Haiku of the day

Right at my feet -
And when did you get here

Yoshi Mikami Issa (1762-1826)

Had funny old day today - after some quite spectacular artistic block this morning, with much rambling around the house picking things up, and putting them down again, I made these. I wanted to do some poems, and after feeling bit intimidated by poems with lots of lines, haiku seemed like a good option. I found this site
which is quite sweet, and finally after a last cup of tea, got going. Got a little bit carried away on the cherrie blossom one, but am quite pleased with how what looked like a bit of a disaster of a day turned out in the end.


elizabeth barnett said...

i think you ended up having a very successful day... can't say the same for myself!

Kazuko Morishita said...

Wow, it is really interesting because normally people try to draw in Japanese style, but your work is modern and western. I enjoy haiku in different way with your illustration. Really nice picture. I really love it!

Paul Shinn said...


After a couple of unproductive days and quite a bit of stressing, I finally decided upon an idea on Thursday, and have spent the last few days reading up, and doing some drawings based around... Haikus!

And then I go to check out people's blogs today and see you've been doing the same! I even looked at the same website! But I don't think I've chosen the same haikus as you...

I really like these images Jenny. It's a great series...