An invasion at Trafalgar Square. I still feel a bit confused about where I am going with my work - it's a bit amorphous, I don't feel that my illustration style has settled down into something instantly recognizable as mine. But now the Research paper is more or less finished, I am very happy to get back to the important business of drawing penguins.
I like this image/technique you are using and the penguins are fab!
I think the idea of having a "style" is something that everyone doesn't believe they have, but generally they do. I like the way you're incorporating photographs and illustration and blurring the boundaries between the two. And I love penguins! hehe
you are on the way
you have got style, capon, and that is more important than 'a style'. even better still...every time the o and i look at your pictures we start giggling!
I'm loving the penguins, I want to join in. There is always an element in your work that is instantly recognisable as yours so don't fret on that account. all looking beautiful and am looking forward to the exhibition.
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